I ask of all my friends to pray for Marielle and her parents. They need strengh and courage to continue to face the challenges ahead. I thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts.
I played around with some leftover patterned paper and other scrapping goodies I have and threw this together within an hour. I wish the picture of this layout were better but I'm not a professional photographer and I'm lucky that it came out clear.
The second layout I made was for a challenge in the Artistic Papercrafting group over at Cafemom. I should have read the directions better because the layout was supposed to be "Holiday Themed". Whoops! Either way, I made this layout of my 2 brothers and me. I miss both of my brothers. I don't get to see them often. My brother Rob lives in NY and I last got to see him on Thanksgiving but due to his work schedule we were not able to see each other this Christmas. My to other brother Josh is in the Navy and is currently deployed somewhere near Dubai. I haven't seen him in over a year. I can't wait til he comes home in May. Well, I guess the pictures of my bro's will surfice.
The last thing I was able to make was a card for a challenge over at the Bella Sistah's group at PCP (Papercraftplanet.com). I just love Bella's and this was a new techinque, so I gave it a try. It is the spotlight techinque. Funny thing about this technique, it really helps to have the appropriate punches and I don't so I had to cut the circles freehanded. I used a penny to help determine the size. Way to be creative, I guess!
Well everyone have a wonderful day and a great weekend! TTYL chickies!