I have a confession, I can't spray paint to save my life. I'm a disaster. So all these projects were spray painted by my husband while I watched. I tried to do it myself but it was not pretty. Maybe if there is a class on spray painting I would figure it out but for now all spray painting projects are going to my husband. lol.
Wooden Key
I found this key at a thrift store.
I think it is so cool. Only $4.00. I had to
have it. I saw potential for this key.
I had sprayed the key Ivory. Yes, I sprayed it.
I did a horrible job and it was not the color I really
had wanted. When I put the key up to the wall it did
not look good against the wall color. Black was my second
choice. My husband gladly sprayed it for me.
My husband put some small hooks along the
bottom of the key so that we could hang
our keys. I hung it by the front door. It really
has helped us believe it or not. We always know
where are keys are now. Perfect!
Little Birdies
I found these little birdies for a dollar each
at Dollar General. I didn't like the color and
they looked really cheap. Some white
spray paint and now they are perfect!
My little birdies now sit on top of the stove,
watching me cook wonderful meals for my
family. I sprayed them with satin paint, which
makes it easier for me to clean them.
Lady Joy
Lady Joy has been a beautiful statue that has
been watching over my garden for a few years now
but the sun and rough weather has taken its toll
on her, so I gave her a little make over.
Lady Joy is now beautiful and watching
over my front yard. The red lilies that
surround her will be up in August.
I can't wait!

Until I post again, many blessings!