My lovely children started school on Wednesday. They were thrilled. NOT!! lol. They now have to wear uniforms; not cool in their minds. I think they look good. My children were not wardrobe rule breakers so I do feel for them. It will make it easier on them in the morning to select what they would like to wear and cheaper for me in the long run but I would rather they wore their own style. My daughter started to accessorize with jewelry to make herself a little more unique. Smart girl.
Well, I will be starting my own classes on Monday at a new college. I am so happy. I am half way there!! That's what I keep telling myself. LOL.
So back to school, back to waking up early, doing homework with my son. Time for fall to show up and High School Football games to begin (My son is part of the marching band and my daughter's boyfriend is a football player), pumpkin picking and Halloween costumes. Time to think about, dare I say it... Christmas.
Honestly, I'm not ready to give up summer just yet. I'm glad for the warm weather this weekend. While I love the colors if autumn, I love the warm weather of spring and summer.
Til then,