Wednesday, July 28, 2010

She's so sweet!

Just give her some sidewalk chalk and a clean driveway to draw on and you off she'll go off drawing. Today is was a heart with wings saying that she loves me. I love her too!
My daughter is a little artist. She loves to draw, paint and really anything that makes her creativity come through. She never liked to color in coloring books. She preferred copy paper and pencils. I don't know what the future has for her but art is definitely a love of hers. Who knows?, she might one day be the next Monet, Michealangelo or Walt Disney. Hmm?

Friday, July 23, 2010

And here I thought I would just surrender....

But NO! I have to see myself in a picture and totally hate the way I look. I know I am sounding crazy right now but the truth is I was all set to give up on the thought of ever losing weight and learning to accept me for me until I went to Hershey park with my family and in laws.
I took a picture with a Hershey Kiss and my sister- in-law. I couldn't believe what I was looking at when I saw it. My stomach was hanging out of my shirt (major muffin top), my butt looked huge and I have 3 chins.
Where did Jessica go and why was I accepting this? I have completely let myself go because I was afraid of what I would have to do to lose the weight and feel like a woman again. It is easier to hide in sweat pants and t-shirts.
I took a stand and put my self on a diet. I am eating healthy and working out. I will not let this weight that has taken my body prisoner for the past 5 years have control over me anymore.
I am happy to say that after a week and a half I have so far lost six pounds. I am not starving myself and I'm not killing myself working out either. I would like to continue to lose the weight and not burn myself out quickly.
What I am so proud of is not just my decision, but my family's decision to support me. My daughter workouts with me and really is like a coach and will not allow me to whine. My children are not liking all the healthy food but they are not complaining as much as I would think either.
I am hoping to report more of my weight loss next week and to incorporate a little of it in my blog too. If any of you have any advice or great recipes please feel free to share them with me. I really would appreciate it.
Till next time,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Samster Mommy Tutu Drive

Oh crafty peoples, a really nice blogging mom, Samster's Mommy is having a Tutu drive for a good cause. Dontated Tutu's will be sent to hospitals for little girls and boys that are very ill to have for playtime. Just click on the button above to read about the Tutu drive and how you can help. Time is running out and it would be great if she can send out as many Tutu's as she can.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Dishing it Party with Serenity Now!


I'm joining in Dishing it Party at Serenity Now. This month's party questions are on summer reading! I love to read and due a very busy school schedule I haven't been able to read. I, luckily was able to get some reading in this summer and hope to continue since my school schedule is now back to part time.

Right now I am in the middle of reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson. This was a book club selection for the month of July by the book club I am in with friends in my town. So far I am bored with this book but I have hopes that it will get better.

I have recently taken an interest in the Twilight Saga. "About Time", my daughter said. So anyway, we saw Eclipse on the fourth of July since we celebrated the day before. I am a few chapters in but will get more into the book once I finish my book club book. I think I'll finish this book before the next movie comes out hopefully.

As for the rest of my summer readings, it will consist of reading two history text books for the next 5 weeks while I'm taking a History class online. I must tell you, it is boring and I'd rather be reading my books but at least I am reading something other then school books the entire summer.

Amanda's questions!

~What genre of literature makes you want to pick up a book and read (biographies, chick lit, Christian fiction, historical fiction, etc.)?

Memoirs are my favorite. I just finished Angela's Ashes, which took me no joke 2 years to finish. I started reading it before I started school but then didn't get to pick it up until this past May.

~What are your favorite magazines?
I like House Beautiful, Good Housekeeping, Martha of course!

~If you had to be stuck on a desert island with any fictional character, who would you choose?
I'm not sure. How about Channing Tatum from Dear John? He's not bad on the eyes at all and he's strong enough to get the coconuts down off the trees. lol.

~How do you make time to escape into a good book?
I try to read at night when everyone is settled down watching TV or I try to even to read while the kids are in the pool.

~What's your favorite place to get your books?
My mom. lol. She usually passes her books down to me. I have a box full. I recently got my book club book online at Barnes and Noble, used, cheap and in great condition.

~What's next on your "to-read" list?
Tis from Frank McCourt, the second book after Angela's Ashes. Water for Elephants, again in my pile of books waiting for me.

A Re-cap of my weekend past

My nephew taking his first steps!

My son swinging his baby cousin at the park.

My son trying to win the watermelon contest.

The fireworks from the back of my house.
These were just a small amount of wonderful things that took place last weekend. I was so happy to have my family and friends celebrate the holiday with me and my family. Just wanted to share! Hope you all had a wonderful July 4th weekend.