I'm joining in Dishing it Party at Serenity Now. This month's party questions are on summer reading! I love to read and due a very busy school schedule I haven't been able to read. I, luckily was able to get some reading in this summer and hope to continue since my school schedule is now back to part time.
Right now I am in the middle of reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson. This was a book club selection for the month of July by the book club I am in with friends in my town. So far I am bored with this book but I have hopes that it will get better.

I have recently taken an interest in the Twilight Saga. "About Time", my daughter said. So anyway, we saw Eclipse on the fourth of July since we celebrated the day before. I am a few chapters in but will get more into the book once I finish my book club book. I think I'll finish this book before the next movie comes out hopefully.

Amanda's questions!
~What genre of literature makes you want to pick up a book and read (biographies, chick lit, Christian fiction, historical fiction, etc.)?
Memoirs are my favorite. I just finished Angela's Ashes, which took me no joke 2 years to finish. I started reading it before I started school but then didn't get to pick it up until this past May.
~What are your favorite magazines?
~What are your favorite magazines?
I like House Beautiful, Good Housekeeping, Martha of course!
~If you had to be stuck on a desert island with any fictional character, who would you choose?
~If you had to be stuck on a desert island with any fictional character, who would you choose?
I'm not sure. How about Channing Tatum from Dear John? He's not bad on the eyes at all and he's strong enough to get the coconuts down off the trees. lol.
~How do you make time to escape into a good book?
~How do you make time to escape into a good book?
I try to read at night when everyone is settled down watching TV or I try to even to read while the kids are in the pool.
~What's your favorite place to get your books?
~What's your favorite place to get your books?
My mom. lol. She usually passes her books down to me. I have a box full. I recently got my book club book online at Barnes and Noble, used, cheap and in great condition.
~What's next on your "to-read" list?
~What's next on your "to-read" list?
Tis from Frank McCourt, the second book after Angela's Ashes. Water for Elephants, again in my pile of books waiting for me.
My best friend keeps trying to get me to read the Twilight books. I think I read about 17 pages before I stopped. My hubby reads a lot of history books - boring. Good luck on your class!
One of my 7th grade students loaned the Twilight books to me. I enjoyed them and am waiting for Eclipse to hit the dollar theater to see it. You are going to love Water for Elephants. The cover didn't make me want to try to read it but I was instantly hooked once I started it.
Hi, visiting from Dishing It! More great read suggestions. Hope classes go well for you-
I might have to check out a few of the books on your list.
I'm finding gluten free cooking isn't all that hard or expensive. As long as you're willing to cook and bake =) It's the premade things that are specifically labeld gluten free that are expensive. The best thing for your sister to do is to learn what ingredients contain gluten or are derived from gluten and then look for products that don't contain those.
I knew Twilight would make someone's list! ;) Yay!! I actually enjoy history, but it's not the same as when you *have* to read the books for school. Thanks so much for linking up with me! :) Have fun mingling. ;)
Hi, I'm visiting from Amanda's blog. My little sister recently read water for elephants & passed it on to me. I have yet to read it but she loved it. If you get to it before I do, let me know how it turns out! :-D Take care!
I know everybody loves it, but I refuse to get into the Twilight series! I wouldn't normally go for vampires anyway.
Hope your book club book improves!
I HATE sci-fi/fantasy type books, but I did read the Twilight series and loved them!!! Peer pressure got to me, but they were good!
History books? Bless your heart! ICK! HAte them.
I think I could stand to be on a desert island with Channing Tatum. He's HOT!
Looks like you read a nice mixture of books! I’m pretty boring and stick with chick lit….what my fiancĂ© refers to as brain mush! :o)
Kendra “Domestic Princess in Training”
My sisters have raved about the Twilight books, I am going to have to make time to read them! And I am so with you on Channing Tatum, isn't he gorgeous!?! I might volunteer to be stranded on a desert island if he was going to be there!
I am just finishing up two summer classes online. I can't wait to read what I want to for about a month before classes start again. I haven't read the Twilight series yet...I have heard good and bad. But not everyone likes the same thing...maybe eventually I will make time to read it!
I am just finishing up two summer classes online. I can't wait to read what I want to for about a month before classes start again. I haven't read the Twilight series yet...I have heard good and bad. But not everyone likes the same thing...maybe eventually I will make time to read it!
Just stopping by from the Dishing it party! Welcome to the world of Twilight! :) I host something called "Twilight Thursdays" on my blog...stop by and check it out! http://thesimpler-life.blogspot.com
You are so good to do all of that reading. The minute I sit down at night my eyes close :)
Enjoy your weekend.
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