Just give her some sidewalk chalk and a clean driveway to draw on and you off she'll go off drawing. Today is was a heart with wings saying that she loves me. I love her too!

My daughter is a little artist. She loves to draw, paint and really anything that makes her creativity come through. She never liked to color in coloring books. She preferred copy paper and pencils. I don't know what the future has for her but art is definitely a love of hers. Who knows?, she might one day be the next Monet, Michealangelo or Walt Disney. Hmm?
So SO SO sweet!!!
Sounds like my Hannah... :D Doesn't like to color, but the copy paper and a pencil (or a BLACK pen) :)
What a fun picture - hope it doesn't rain too soon!
What a fun picture - hope it doesn't rain too soon!
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